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Imprints #4

Under Fire

by Teyla Branton, 336 pages

While Autumn struggles with the truth surrounding her birth father, time is running out for more than one missing girl.

Some secrets are best left alone

Autumn Rain is back to work, along with Detective Shannon Martin, the man she’s begun dating, but this time her investigation is personal. Autumn must prove whether or not her biological father, is responsible for the disappearance of a young girl. Cody Beckett’s past record makes him the main suspect, even if there’s not enough evidence to arrest him, and Autumn’s extraordinary ability to receive impressions from objects that have special meaning to their owners might be the only way she can uncover the truth.

What Autumn discovers is far bigger than either she or Shannon expected. Secrets, lies, lost evidence, and more than one missing girl all point to a conclusion they don’t want to accept. But while Autumn struggles with her own volatile emotions regarding her family, time is running out.

NOTE: This book is a reprint. It was formerly entitled Line of Fire under another pen name.


KGirl says...

"This book was great . . . I've read the whole series and this one was just a good as the rest of them. I hope she writes at least a few more."

Sherry L Johnson says...

"I could hardly put it down until I finished it."

Doug Buhler says...

"Great! Hard to put down!"

Mary Ann Bulloch says...

"A good mix of suspense and romance and are extremely hard to put down once you start reading them!"